The Walla Walla Trends project seeks to improve local, public decision making by providing relevant data in an easily navigable website. The data provided on this website is offered as neutral information.
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0.1.2 Median Age of the Population
The 2022 estimate from Census, just released, puts the “middle” of the age distribution in Walla Walla & Columbia Counties as nearly 40 years. This is approximately a year older than the median of the U.S. and about 1.5 years older than of Washington state.
0.3.1 Average Number of People per Household
The Walla Walla metro continues to consist of relatively small households. The estimate average for 2022 was 2.5 people. This is slightly below the average in the U.S. and Washington state. This is also the lowest among all Eastern Washington metro areas.
0.3.3 Share of Internet Connection by Type
The Walla Walla metro area’s internet connectivity was estimated in 2022 to be equal to the national average, at 91%. Its estimated broadband connectivity, at 80% however, was considerably lower than that of the U.S. (83%) and Washington (86%).
2.6.2 Share of the Population Ages 25+ with at Least Some College or an Associate's Degree
This is the part of the education attainment continuum where the Walla Walla metro area outperforms both the U.S. and Washington state. Attendance at the community college for non-degree programs appears to have slipped for 2022, however.
4.4.4 Total Uninsured Persons Aged 18 and younger and Share Uninsured
The numbers in the Walla Walla metro area – total and share of the population – continue to be low, much like the results for the general population. The 2022 estimates put the share in the metro area below the rate of both the state and the U.S.
1.1.2 Median Household Income
One of the core economic indicators, estimated median household income in the Walla Walla metro area did not shown gains for 2022. It remained at about $65,300. This is considerably lower than the U.S. ($74,750) and Washington ($91,300), both of which registered substantial gains.
1.2.10 Very Small Businesses (Establishments with 1-9 Employees) and as a Share of All Businesses
The vast majority of the businesses in the County are very small. Most recently, 2022, 83% of all local businesses had workforce of 9 or fewer employees. This was a slightly higher percentage than in the state as a whole. Over the past decade, the relative share of very small businesses among all businesses in the County has been remarkably stable.
1.3.4 Employment Share by Type of Employer
The Walla Walla metro area generally shows a greater share of its workforce employed in government, and 2022 was no exception. The estimated share of the workforce taken up by government – federal, state or local – was slightly over 20%. This generally in keeping with the average over the past decade. Estimated government shares in the U.S. and Washington economy for 2022 were 14% and 16%, respectively.
1.4.5 Total and Gallons per Capita of Wine Production
Wine production in 2022 in Walla Walla County hit an all-time high, at nearly 3.5 million gallons. That represented almost 56 gallons per person, making it a major product shipped outside county boundaries.
5.1.6 Homeowners Paying 30% or More of Their Income for Shelter Costs
The estimated number of Walla Walla metro area homeowners in this category declined a bit in 2022, so that they are slightly lower, as a share, than the benchmarks. But the share is considerably higher now than over the past decade.
list updated 11.12.2023
The complete list of Walla Walla Trends can be found here.
New Intern Feature

Victoria Tyni
Hometown: Battle Ground, WA
Major: Accounting
Expected Graduation Date: Spring 2024
Post-graduation plans:
I plan to work as a financial accountant, with the hopes of eventually becoming a financial analyst.
After a few months of working on the Trends project, my favorite thing so far:
Seeing the impact of the economy and environmental factors on various aspects of different counties.